We are using AES Clear Key Protection for our assets. We are using LA-URL at source configuration at bitmovin player. Please see our below code snippets.
var source = {
title: ‘Demo’,
dash: ‘https://amsplaybackproxy.azurewebsites.net/ytmigratednew/ams-migration-output/asset-adbea63c-0efa-442c-aa4f-d5129a4eb73c/video_AppleMusicUpNext_AmyShark_.mpd?token=rajesh’,
drm: {
clearkey: {
LA_URL: “https://spherexlicenseserver.azurewebsites.net/api/bitmovin”,
headers: {
‘content-type’: ‘application/json’
In the above LA-URL post-API calls we are getting key ids as null, even though our goal is to return keys based on keyids. Can someone please explain what this place is lacking?
We would appreciate for prompt reply from the community.