Clearkey DRM - is the formatting correct?




When you add full DRM to the player config, the credentials are wrapped as regular JSON, eg from
fairplay: {
LA_URL: ‘https://license-server-url-provided-by-drmtoday’,
certificateURL: ‘https://certificate-url-provided-by-drmtoday’,
headers: {
But when you use Clearkey the same guidance shows the JSON wrapped in an array, eg:
drm: {
clearkey: [{
kid: ‘YOUR-KID-HERE’ //optional
It works, but causes the console error, ‘asm.js type error: cannot create array view without an asm.js heap parameter’.
If I remove the array brackets, it still plays fine but without reporting the error.

Which is correct? What is the reason for the array wrapper?

Your syntax is consistent with our documentation. We support providing multiple keys, hence the array.

If you could provide a test content either here or in a support ticket, we could investigate further