Hi Team,
I have successfully created my encrypted stream output with using below link -
I need help for AES Encryption stream to be play, I have found the example in below link, but those are for clearkey and other drm encryption. But I could not find any example with AES Encryption to play stream through bitmovin player.
With AES encryption, a key file should be referenced in the manifest, and it should work out of the box.
Please note that AES-128 is supported by most browsers, but Sample AES, only by Safari
Hi Ludo,
What I have understand from your comment is I don’t need to pass any sourceConfig.drm for aes key as we are passing for clearKey as shown in below example.
I got the file in my storage account and even i have the aes_key and aes_iv with me. But how to show in html page, below is the sample code which i am using for clearKey could you please help some sample code for html to view aes encryption stream
const token = "sastoken";
const playerConfig = {
"key": '00000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000',
"playback": {
"muted": true,
"autoplay": false
"network": {
preprocessHttpRequest: function ( type, request )
request.url += '?' + token;
var container = document.getElementById( 'my-player' );
var player = new bitmovin.player.Player( container, playerConfig );
//<!-- STEP 4 - Configure and load a Source for the player -->
var sourceConfig = {
"title": "Default Demo Source Config",
"description": "Select another example in \"Step 4 - Load a Source\" to test it here",
"hls": "https://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/bitmovin/output/a1023-323-2424-3535-3232323/master.m3u8",
"dash": "https://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/bitmovin/output/a1023-323-2424-3535-3232323/stream.mpd"
sourceConfig.drm = {
clearkey: [ {
key: clearkey,
kid: clearkeyid
} ]
player.load( sourceConfig ).then( function ()
console.log( 'Successfully loaded Source Config!' );
} ).catch( function ( reason )
console.log( 'Error while loading source:', reason );
if possible please reply asap.
The config you shared seems fine for clearkey, but not for AES encryption.
Do you mind filing a ticket and sharing your actual source URLs and keys (if needed) so I can take a closer look.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Is there any update on this question?