Special Characters of keyid are replaced by some different characters in bitmovin player

I am facing a strange issue where keyid which is posted by bitmovin player is replaced by some special characters.

Please see the below screenshot.

Actual key is is JIzHwbekZqPF/jywOPCVjg== but in response we are getting
How to solve this issue we are using c# and MVC. urgent help needed.

Hi @rajeshrai0512 , thanks for reaching out to Bitmovin community. Can you please share more information about your setup and use case to let us understand the problem in detail?

  • Are you using Bitmovin encoding or another encoding platform?
  • Is your content DASH clearkey protected?
  • How did you find that JIzHwbekZqPF/jywOPCVjg== and not JIzHwbekZqPF__jywOPCVjg? What value are you setting while encoding? If using Bitmovin encoding, can you please share the script that you are using for encoding, specially the part where you are setting key id information?
  • Please also share the test asset URL which is encrypted with this key?