Tested Fairplay DRM in Safari; It was played normally. But Widevine DRM HLS in Chrome browser did not play with 1211 error code.
How can I play a HLS manifest with BOTH FairPlay and Widevine on Chrome?
Tested Fairplay DRM in Safari; It was played normally. But Widevine DRM HLS in Chrome browser did not play with 1211 error code.
How can I play a HLS manifest with BOTH FairPlay and Widevine on Chrome?
var config = {
"network": {
"preprocessHttpResponse": function (type, response) {
// If it is Safari Browser then Do nothing
if (typeof window.safari !== 'undefined'){
return Promise.resolve(response);
// If NOT Safari
if(type === "manifest/hls/variant") {
var regex = /.*KEYFORMAT="com.apple.streamingkeydelivery"\n/
response.body = response.body.replace(regex, '')
return Promise.resolve(response);
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Fairplay uses SAMPLE_AES as encryption standard, which is essentially only supported on Apple devices with Native apps and Safari but not on Chrome and other browsers.
Your approach most likely wouldn’t work with an actual Fairplay stream. The only approach that would work in order to avoid using the Licensing server is the one detailed in this page Technical Note TN2454: Debugging FairPlay Streaming (section Quickly Diagnosing Content Key and IV Issues)
Edit :
Thanks for creating a ticket about this topic in addition. As you mentioned, it is not a suitable solution since SAMPLE_AES is not supported on Chrome