The linked document says FairPlay DRM license renewal is not supported yet.
But Apple’s FairPlay Streaming SDK contains a Safari web player sample which supports the license renewal.
It is important to me (and my company) to support the license renewal on all the major browsers with a single player solution.
So I’d like to know why Bitmovin player does not support it yet, while it is possible with Safari browser’s default player.
I don’t think the default Safari player supports license renewal, as there is still an open thread on the Apple developer forum, and we received requests from a customer/DRM provider to support license renewal only for Playready, as they are able to manage license renewal on Safari without the player API.
However, we have it on our player roadmap to investigate safari license renewal functionality via a player API. We will prioritize based on the number of customers that are interested in this functionality as well as Apple’s support.
Thank you for your reply.
It is helpful to understand the situation and decide what to do next.
We’ll try the manual license renewal request on Safari using Bitmovin player.
We’ve already done it with the default Safari player, so I think we can do it with Bitmovin too as the other DRM provider did.