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Hi Bitmovin Team,
In Web SDK, we have an API that application can use to restrict allowed bitrates to the player window size. It would be nice to have similar API for the other platforms as well - especially for Android. This way, resources are used optimally during multi view playback without any book keeping in the application - an API that limits player bitrate to the window size
Can you please plan this feature? It will be very useful since multiview playback is being used more prominantly now.
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Hi @pavan.chikkala,
Thanks for your request and contribution to continuing to make the Bitmovin Player the best product for all our customers, it’s much appreciated!
Whilst we don’t have this on the roadmap for Android, it is something I’ve noted internally and will keep an eye on additional interest, as I agree makes a lot of sense for the Multiview use case.
While there isn’t a limitToPlayerSize API on Android and iOS, please note the following:
For Android: The same can be achieved by using the adaptationConfig.videoAdaptation API to limit the maximum renditions according to the player size, which can be retrieved from the default Android APIs.
For iOS: Adaptation logic is restricted by AVPlayer, so we can’t provide APIs to manipulate this, however I understand that AVPlayer already limits of top renditions based on player size.
Hope that helps!