
We have implementation like below:
player?.on<PlayerEvent.CueEnter> { mPlayerEventListener?.onSubTitlesUpdate(it.text ?: “”) }

Issue: Sometimes consecutive subtitle text is received within ~0 to 0.02 ms. Textview used in the player screen to show the subtitle thereby not updates all the subtitles and misses the some of the text recieved.

Environments Used:
Platform: Android
Library Used: com.bitmovin.player:player:3.43.0
TargetSdkVersion: 33

Please help us in resolving this issue. As this is a production issue, it is of utmost importance to fix this issue for smoother experience using bitmovin

Hi @nehaluddin.haider,

I’m not sure I fully get the issue, but my understanding is that you might get a first CueEnter event with a certain text (e.g. Hi Alice) which is valid for a certain time (e.g. 40-46) but then another CueEnter with another text and time (e.g. Hello Bob, valid for 40.02-47). Does this sound correct?

Please keep in mind that multiple subtitles can be active at the same time, and that the subtitle timings are coming from the subtitle files. Which subtitle format are you using? And are the subtitles linked in the DASH/HLS manifest or are they side-loaded? If you could share a reproduction scenario, this could be helpful to better understand what’s happening.

Also, is there any reason why you are not using the SubtitleView our Android SDK provides? This would take care of updating and rendering the subtitle cues for you :slight_smile: