All our encoded videos are stored on AWS, so I didn’t think we were using either Bitmovin CDN or ‘Storage’. But, under VOD Encoding/Usage Statistics/CDN and Storage, our account shows a consistent 150MB, a small but still billable amount. Couple of questions:
What is ‘Storage’ as distinct from ‘CDN’?
What is retained in ‘Storage’ after an encoding, and how do I manage/delete it?
Hi, thanks for asking in the Community. In order to have a look at your case, could you please confirm the email address of your Bitmovin account, or the orgID where you’re observing that retained storage stats? Thanks!
Thanks very much. The OrgID is c9089ee3-ee65-4db2-9a6d-ad844ff69e35
The reason I started looking at this is my latest bill included a storage charge for 5.04GB, which I didn’t understand because our test encodes are going to AWS. So I went looking for what this volume could be. Hence my question.
Upon reviewing your orgID, we’ve identified 33 encodings that used our CDN for storage in the past but have been deleted ever since. To clarify, what’s been deleted is the encoding, but the content generated by those encodings remains stored on the CDN bucket, and that’s why the Storage usage you see in your account remains constant over time without increasing with new encodings (which indeed don’t use this storage any more). Until the content stored on CDN bucket is deleted, it will remain constant and causing charges.
At this time, the deletion has to be performed by our Platform team, which I’ve already requested on your behalf and should happen soon. In any case, if there’s any delay and you’d like to claim a refund due to any charges from now until deletion is completed, please get in touch with or directly to discuss the matter.
PS: On your initial question:
What is ‘Storage’ as distinct from ‘CDN’?
Storage refers to CDN storage, and CDN refers to CDN transfer