An undefined error occurred when using SPEKE DRM with verimatrix configuration

Dear support team,

Now I facing a issue when using SPEKE DRM with verimatrix configuration

The error like this as below:
var bitmovinError = new BitmovinError_1.default(message, response.status, shortMessage, developerMessage, requestId, code, details, links);
BitmovinError: An undefined error occurred
developerMessage: An undefined error occurred. Please contact support and provide the requestId for further investigation
errorCode: 1004
An undefined error occurred. Please contact our support team and provide info about your call https:// bitmovin. com/ contact-support
method: POST
url: https:// api. bitmovin. com/v1/encoding/encodings/924192f9-9210-4ab0-8bff-29f8d89e03c8/start
body: {“vodDashManifests”:[{“manifestId”:“ab6b9ac5-209d-434b-84bd-9a0019fb4e69”}],“vodHlsManifests”:[{“manifestId”:“3eec5177-43dc-422f-a827-2b319814e137”}],“manifestGenerator”:“V2”}
httpStatusCode: 500
body: {“requestId”:“5e9fa8d6-a1aa-48b6-afdd-45e4510a132b”,“status”:“ERROR”,“data”:{“code”:1004,“message”:“An undefined error occurred”,“developerMessage”:“An undefined error occurred. Please contact support and provide the requestId for further investigation”,“links”:[{“href”:“https:// bitmovin. com/contact-support”,“title”:“An undefined error occurred. Please contact our support team and provide info about your call”}]}}

at buildBitmovinError (/home/ubuntu/bitmovin-api-sdk-examples/javascript/node_modules/@bitmovin/api-sdk/dist/common/BitmovinErrorBuilder.js:82:25)
at ErrorHandler.<anonymous> (/home/ubuntu/bitmovin-api-sdk-examples/javascript/node_modules/@bitmovin/api-sdk/dist/common/RestClient.js:328:77)
at step (/home/ubuntu/bitmovin-api-sdk-examples/javascript/node_modules/@bitmovin/api-sdk/dist/common/RestClient.js:48:23)
at (/home/ubuntu/bitmovin-api-sdk-examples/javascript/node_modules/@bitmovin/api-sdk/dist/common/RestClient.js:29:53)
at fulfilled (/home/ubuntu/bitmovin-api-sdk-examples/javascript/node_modules/@bitmovin/ap

The encoding id is 924192f9-9210-4ab0-8bff-29f8d89e03c8. Could you please give me some suggestion about this issue? Thanks.

Pavel Zhang

Is there anybody can give some suggestion? Thanks.

@xuzhang Thanks for reaching out to us. I looked into the logs, and it appears that the SPEKE key exchange endpoint refused your request with a 403 Forbidden error. Please ensure that the Authorization header you are sending is valid. If you are still having problems, create a ticket via the Bitmovin dashboard, and we’ll be glad to assist you further.

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