Multi-key HLS OfflinePlayback -iOS




Hi! We’re integrating Bitmovin Player with Axinom DRM and have had success with online playback and single-key offline playback. However, we’re facing issues with offline multikey HLS streams.

While online multikey playback works smoothly, our offline multikey streams will only play either the video or the audio (never both). We’ve reviewed the samples and have implemented parts successfully for internal testing, but this particular multikey scenario is blocking us.

When hardcoding the contentId inside the fpsConfig.prepareContentId closure we can get either the audio or video depending on which contentID was used. We investigated using our own streams but the result is the same when using Axinom sample multi key hls stream.

Here is the sample stream implemented in the offline playback demo which will play online but only download either audio or video.

 let fpsConfig = FairplayConfig(
      license:  URL(string: ""),
      certificateURL: URL(string: "")!
    fpsConfig.licenseRequestHeaders = [
      "content-type": "application/octet-stream",
      "X-AxDRM-Message" : "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.DpwBd1ax4Z7P0cCOZ7ZJMotqVWfLFCj2DYdH37xjGxM"
    fpsConfig.prepareContentId = { (contentId: String) -> String in
      contentId.replacingOccurrences(of: "skd://", with: "")
    fpsConfig.prepareMessage = { spcData, _ in
    fpsConfig.prepareCertificate = { (data: Data) -> Data in
    let sourceConfig = SourceConfig(url: URL(string: "")!, type: .hls)
    sourceConfig.drmConfig = fpsConfig
    sourceConfig.title = "Axinom demo video - multikey (HLS; cbcs)"
    sourceConfig.sourceDescription = "Description of the stream to be played"
    return sourceConfig

Thanks for any help!

Hi @kuckelhaus!

Thank you for reaching out!

Currently, we don’t support multi-key DRM for offline playback with the iOS Player SDK. As a workaround, you can use a single-key FairPlay-protected stream from Axinom if that works for your use case as that will work with no problems based on our experience.

We are currently planning the multi-key offline FairPlay feature for the long term and tracking interest.

Please fill out a support request via so we can keep track of all the customers interested.

Best Regards,

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