IOS offline playback issue

I am experiencing issues with playing downloaded content in offline mode. Here is the situation:

  1. I download a video and successfully receive the callback confirming that the content has been downloaded.
  2. To launch playback, I retrieve the SourceConfig as follows:


  • In this case, playback works correctly if there is a network connection.
  • However, when I turn off the internet, I receive the following error:

Manifest request failed. The internet connection appears to be offline.

  1. I also found another method in the documentation to retrieve the SourceConfig:

offlineContentManager.createOfflineSourceConfig(restrictedToAssetCache: true)

  • When I use this method, I receive the following error regardless of whether there is a network connection or not:

Source Error.

How can I ensure that downloaded content plays correctly in offline mode? Are there any additional steps or configurations I might be missing?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Hi Marianna,

Thanks for reporting this. In order to discard any issues with your custom app implementation, could you please confirm if the same issue is reproducible via our sample app using the latest version of our player? bitmovin-player-ios-samples/BasicOfflinePlayback at main · bitmovin/bitmovin-player-ios-samples · GitHub

Instructions to set it up here: GitHub - bitmovin/bitmovin-player-ios-samples

Also, if your stream is ClearKey DRM encrypted, please make sure to set supportClearKeyContent to true: DownloadConfig Class Reference