How to submit a Feature Request to us?

Feedback from you helps us shape and improve all of our products. We’re continuously learning how to make our products more intuitive and user-friendly and to meet feature requirements that you feel are important. We actively encourage you to share your feedback and can do this in several ways! The Bitmovin Community, via your Bitmovin Support Dashboard or directly with one of our customer success managers.

We get many feature suggestions raised to us every day. While we can’t honour every request, we do capture each and every one of them and even if we ultimately choose not to implement a suggestion precisely as it’s described. Our ultimate goal is to understand what you and all of our customers need and to create products that meet those needs.

Let’s take a moment to walk through the two ways you can raise a feature request to us.

Raising a feature request through the Community.

This is the best way for you to raise a feature request to us, it allows other customers to ‘vote up’ your suggestion. The more votes, the more likely the feature will come onto the product roadmap.

  1. Navigate to Bitmovin Community, do make sure you are signed in!

  2. Select Categories from the four tabs available

  3. Select the Requests Tile

  4. Within the requests view you can see all feature suggestions raised already and vote on these.

  5. To create a new suggestion click the + New Topic button which will open up a new topic form.

  6. Fill in the information fields, adding as much information as possible about your idea, the user cases and why this would be of value to you.

  7. Click ‘ + Create Topic’.

  8. That’s it! Your suggestion has now been raised to us.

  9. One of our staff members will pick it up, provide feedback, and likely ask you a question or two.

Raising a feature request through your Bitmovin Dashboard.

While we prefer feature requests coming through the community, as it allows other Customers to upvote them. You can also submit feature suggestions to us through the Bitmovin Dashboard.

  1. Navigate to your Bitmovin Dashboard and sign in.

  2. Click the Support menu option on the left-hand navigation

  3. Click ‘Create new Ticket’

  4. Fill in the ticket information fields, adding as much information as possible about your idea, the user cases and why this would be of value to you.

  5. Click ‘Send Request’.

  6. That’s it! Your suggestion has now been raised to us.

  7. One of our staff members will pick it up, provide feedback, and likely ask you a few questions.

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