February 2024 - Updates and Release Highlights

Here’s a monthly roundup of some things you might have missed from our releases in February we think are particularly useful. This includes improvements, updates and new features, as well as capturing UX and dashboard updates that don’t usually get called out in our release notes.


Also check out the full release notes for Web, iOS, Android, Roku, React Native and Flutter as well as our Developer Documentation.


  • Dashboard: AI-powered playback session interpretation providing detailed explanations and recommendations
  • iOS: Detection of hardware video decoding capabilities & tracking of AV1 codec in supportedVideoCodecs
  • iOS: Privacy manifests for CoreCollector, BitmovinCollector, AVFoundationCollector, and AmazonIVSCollector frameworks

Check out the Analytics collector release notes for Web, Android, iOS, Roku.

VOD Encoder

  • Dashboard: UX improvements to provide clearer usage statistics with longer, customizable time frames
  • HLS Manifests: Added support for variable segment durations in fMp4 IFramePlaylist and synced IFramePlaylist HLS version with media manifest HLS version.

Live Encoder

  • Dashboard: Added TsMuxing option for HLS manifests, enabling SCTE-35 triggered SSAI with AWS Elemental MediaTailor
  • Ingest: Static rtmp ingest points and reusable streamkeys can now be created via API and in the dashboard UI
  • Ingest: Refreshed our Zixi integration to support the latest ZEC Receiver, explored options to extend the integration in the future and add support for BYO Zixi Broadcaster licenses.

Live and VOD Encoding release notes are available here.


  • Dashboard: Added new configuration options for Generic S3 inputs and outputs including ssl, signingRegion, signatureVersion and accessStyle.
  • Cloud Connect: New and improved documentation for using Cloud Connect to run Bitmovin Encoding on your own cloud infrastructure.

Full REST API platform release notes are available here.