Does bitmovin web player support TweaksConfig query_parameters?




Hello I am trying to add a token to the bitmovin player, but I cannot find any documentation for ios. Does anyone know about it? iOS platform has some limitations, the query_parameters tweak isn’t available. However, you can use PreprocessHttpRequestDelegate to add the tokens to the URL.

Document Reference - PreprocessHttpRequestDelegate Protocol Reference

Thanks for the answer, but I am currently using the web player. I noticed that on iOS the network api doesn’t l work and it is documented. But I noticed that I can use the query_parameters tweak and it seems to work.

I am also using a specific version of the web player, and I wanted to know if the tweaks are gonna be changed in the future for that particular version or not. Ok, if the question is about iOS devices using the web player, then the query_parameters should work. Any changes or removals will only apply to new versions, so older versions won’t be affected.