Android TV Basic Playback Sample

Hi guys
Using this example: bitmovin-player-android-samples/BasicPlaybackTV at main · bitmovin/bitmovin-player-android-samples · GitHub
see this photo on this link: IMG-7999 — ImgBB.
There´s no progress bar change or even the manifest options (subtitles, audio, etc) are not showed.
You have a plan to new commits on Android TV repo? Thanks!

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Improving the UI on AndroidTV is currently on our roadmap (ref : notes/16174978).
I don’t think we have a timeline available yet.

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Thanks Ludo
Meanwhile, how is the best way you recommend to use Bitmovin on Android TV projects?

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Hi @alexandreviana ,

I recommend checking out this MIT-licensed implementation by Royal Opera House:

Since it’s MIT-licensed, you can reuse the code or simply use it as a reference.

Let me know if that helps.

Hi @alexandreviana,

the UI that is used in the sample is a configuration of our Bitmovin Web UI (also used for casting).
By integrating the Bitmovin Android (TV) SDK you might want to implement a custom native UI, calling the Player API. That would be the recommended way imo.

In case you want to stick with the regular Bitmovin Player Web UI there you would need to implement logic for the remote (like in handleUserInput function) and delegate focus and actions to the WebView. Haven’t tried it but should work

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Hi Lorenz!
On my webview implementations, the player not have a satisfying performance on old devices.
Using SDK is the best option, imo. But, I will need to make a custom native UI just for basic controllers (like a seek on progress bar) ?

Hi @alexandreviana,

if you’re seeing bad performance with the Web UI on older devices it is probably best to write a native UI, yes.

Can you elaborate a bit on “not having a satisfying performance”? Assuming you are using the PlayerView class for rendering