Used bitmovin-player and bitmovin-player-ui in react and i can two duplicated player in inspection browser

one contains for ‘bmpui-controls-shown’ and the other one contains ‘bmpui-controls-hidden’ class.
I need only one player and i think the second one is not needed.
could you please share your opinion why i met this issue?

Hi @songyicheng318 , welcome to Bitmovin community and thanks for your question. From the above screenshot, it looks like you have 2 Bitmovin player UIs active at the same time.

Bitmovin player comes with a default UI and application can also create a UI object on it’s own using bitmovin-player-ui classes. If you are creating a player object explicitly in application, then you need to disable the default ui by setting Player.config.ui=false

Below is a JS example of how to disable default UI by setting ui config as false.

const playerConfig = {
                key: "YOUR-PLAYER-KEY",
                logs: {
                    level: "debug"
                ui: false,
                playback: {
                    autoplay: true,
                    muted: true,

If this does not help, then can you please share your test page where you see this behaviour to enable us repro this behaviour and suggest a solution.