Source Error: resource unavailable





we are using bitmovin-player-react-native@0.23.0 SDK for a React Native application, and we are experiencing some video source errors with message “resource unavailable”.
Below is the SourceErrorEvent object that we are seeing in our logs:
“code”: -1008,
“message”: “resource unavailable”,
“underlyingError”: {
“code”: -1008,
“description”: “Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1008 "resource unavailable" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=resource unavailable, NSUnderlyingError=0x30187f930 {Error Domain=CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-12884 "(null)"}}”,
“domain”: “NSURLErrorDomain”,
“localizedDescription”: “resource unavailable”

Based on some investigation we’ve made, we understand that the code -1008 could refer to some network delay causing the request for a video’s segment to fail.
Unfortunately, we can’t reproduce this error, but it happens frequently in our production environment. This error is occurring only on iOS devices.

Any recommendations on how we could fix this issue?

Also, we noted that on newer versions of the Bitmovin Player SDK for iOS, there is a construct for network configuration, that comes with logic to perform HTTP request retries (Customizing HTTP Request Retries). We were wondering why this is available only for iOS SDK, and not for android and react native SDKs.

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Hi @facundo.encina

Thanks for opening this. Code -1008 is thrown from System/AVFoundation and there isn’t enough information provided to the Player as to what the problem is. I see you’re currently trialling our Analytics product. Digging into a session where this error was thrown would give you more insight into what happened before the user encountered that error (which URL was requested etc.)

Aside from that, it might be worth reaching out to your CDN provider with timestamps to see if they could shed any further light on it.

As far as the Network API. It’s only implemented into Web SDK and iOS SDK at the moment. Android support is planned. I can’t give you an ETA so please keep an eye on Release Notes (Android)

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