In iOS platform, while using Bitmovin player, when we try to play any VOD (HLS) content and then pause the video for atleast 3 mins, we get below error. What is this issue and how can we resolve this ? It’s happening for all videos
nw_path_necp_check_for_updates Failed to copy updated result (22)
▿ [Player Event]: <BMPDownloadFinishedEvent: 0x283206fa0> #0
- super: NSObject
- name: "onDownloadFinished"
- timestamp: 1690969632.744448
▹ requestType: __C.BMPHttpRequestType
▹ url: https://cdn.bitgravity.com/sample_url/Highlights/9421_Sams_3wickets.mp4/chunklist.m3u8?e=1691055808&h=81c39dc27bd66f78e9163b722ef0843b
- lastRedirectLocation: nil
- downloadTime: 0.7109623750002356
- httpStatus: 200
- size: 2931
- wasSuccessful: true
*** onDownloadFinished
▿ [Player Event]: <BMPSourceErrorEvent: 0x2803aff40> #0
- super: NSObject
- name: "onSourceError"
- code: __C.BMPSourceErrorCode
- message: "General playback error. The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreMediaErrorDomain error -12312.)"
- timestamp: 1690969632.800978
▹ data: Optional(<BMPDeficiencyData: 0x281914d80>)
*** onSourceError
[StateMachine] Transitioning from state paused to error