[Need Support]Need support on finding api for setting default audio & subtitle language when content start playing




There is some requirement in which we have to set default audio track/subtitle like “eng” from setting , that should be reflected on player launch , can you please help me out how to set default subtitle/audio language in player launch ,

We have tried to set it before content start loading from source config

but its does not work

can some one please let me know the correct api for this

Vivek Kumar

Selecting the subtitles before the source is loaded won’t work.
What you could do is to select the subtitles in a sourceloaded event handler, so the action should be executed once the source is loaded into the player and available to play.

Which platform are you using (web, Android Native, iOS Native, other) ?

Hi @ludovic.michaud

I am using android Plateform {Kotlin}