[iOS] How to clear all attributes of IMA?

I’m trying to play by adding GoogleIMA. At this point, we want to use Custom UI to handle “ShowMore” and skip after ‘n’ seconds.

However, ‘Learn more’ at the top right of the IMA video and “SKIP” at the bottom right do not disappear.

adConfig.ima.adAttributionUiMode = .imaDefault
adConfig.ima.adAttributionUiMode = .noAttribution
adConfig.ima.adAttributionUiMode = .attribution(countdown: false)

I tried all three, but I can only clear the bottom left countdown.
“Learn more” at the top right of the IMA video and “SKIP” at the bottom right will not be erased.

Has anyone deleted “Learn more” and “SKIP”? If so, please share the solution.

Hi @reddsw , thanks for sharing your question. The AD UI that you see when using iOS player SDK comes from IMA SDK from Google which does not provide any API or configuration to remove the LearnMore and Skip buttons. We have a post about possible IMA Ad UI modifications for Android player at How to customize Ad UI for Bitmovin Android SDK?. Same modification are applicable for iOS player as well.

Having said that, if the goal is to remove the Skip button altogther, that can be achieve by configuring your Ad server to provide non-skippable Ads. The information whether an Ad can be skipped or not and after how many seconds, is part of VAST Ad XML. If the VAST XML indicates that Ad is not skippable, then IMA Ad UI will not show the Skip button.

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