Chromecast & Cloudfront Signed Cookies possible?




Can anyone confirm that casting to the default Bitmovin CAF receiver is possible when the stream is secured by Cloudfront signed cookies? The stream plays fine in the browser when ‘withCredentials’ and ‘manifestWithCredentials’ are set to true, but dies on the Chromecast with ‘network error’.

The console gives me ‘Uncaught (in promise) > chrome.cast.Error {code: ‘session_error’, description: null, details: null}’

What is the promise I need to satisfy? I’ve whitelisted everything I can think of with S3/Cloudfront but there’s nothing I can see in Bitmovin Player API 8.183.0 to get me any further.

Is it possible - how can I expose the cookies or necessary headers to the receiver?

BTW I get the exact same result running a custom receiver on my own domain.


Hi Martin,

Thanks for your question. Cloudfront Signed Cookies should work with CAF as there’s nothing inherently blocking this. However, it might take a bit more effort to implement it. First of all, double-check this document How to send cookies along with requests in the Player SDKs (specifically the CAF section linked)

If it’s not working with the default Bitmovin CAF receiver, then a custom receiver would be the way to go. I see you’ve already set this up so look into debugging the CAF receiver and try to work out what is being requested, if the correct information from the Bitmovin Player has been passed to the CAF player, if the headers etc. are correct. If they are, I’d recommend reaching out to AWS/Google for further assistance.

If you need further support after following these steps, feel free to create a new community post including as much information as you can and we’ll gladly look into it.

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