Casting and play loss start offset

I try to set video source start offset after casting.

and then casting will force setting video progress start from zero.

cause my video source loss user record.

but if i try to seek first then casting it will not cause this problem.

any idea for helping me not loss offset when casting first and set start offset

Hi @edward.lee , welcome to Bitmovin community and thanks for sharing your query. Can you please share additional information.

  • Which player SDK(Web, iOS or Android) is this question for?
  • Which version of SDK are you using?
  • Can you please share a code snippet of how did you set startOffset?
  • I use android player SDK
  • My version is 3.17.0
  • I set startOffset with SourceConfig options with startOffset parameter after casting start

this.sourceItem.options.startOffset = timeCode

and I try to seek after casting start with delay either ,but It not work (will be reset to 0) / 1000.0)

Hi @edward.lee , thanks for sharing the details. This functionality was added to Android player SDK in version 3.37.1. Please update to this or later versions to get this functionality.

In addition, the startOffset should be set to Source/SourceConfig before the source is loaded, setting this after the source is already loaded will not have any affect.

Please try above suggestion and let us know if this helped.

ok!!! thanks for your response immediately.

I will upgrade the version 3.37.1 to try resolve it.

and on the other hand,

I’m sure that I set Source startOffset before it loaded. (but after all thanks your suggest).

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