Bitmovin Launches Streams to Simplify Video Streaming

Exciting news for our Bitmovin community! :tada:
Over the past few months, we have been working on new functionalities to simplify the process for companies to get their videos online faster. The result of this was that we ended up releasing a whole new product…Bitmovin Streams.
The goal of Streams is to reduce the complexity of video and simplify the workflow for users/companies who just gotten started with video and are not familiar with the video domain yet.
Over the last couple of years, we realized that more and more businesses switched their content to online video but have been overwhelmed by the complexity to get it up & running. This was our call to action and motivation to provide a tool to simplify their experience to implement"Netflix-grade" video solutions.

Here are the highlights of our new solution opening the door for ANY developer to the video world:

  • Simplifying video workflow and providing OOTB solutions with simple clicks
  • Upload the content and we will do the encoding for you in the best possible quality
  • Stream everywhere - we provide the content worldwide on our storage and CDN for you
  • 1-line of code to embed your content into your website
  • Powerful Analytics to gain insights: world map view, plays per device, viewer impressions, viewing success rate, etc.
  • Transparent pricing: we offer free usage every month and only charge based on usage once you reached a certain amount of users.

Reach out if you have any feedback you want to share with me or need help getting access. I am happy to help anytime. Oh and don’t forget to check out our new documentation:

We really value your feedback, so please give it a try and let us know what you think in the comments!