Bitmovin Ads Module now available on Mobile SDKs

As the digital video landscape evolves, publishers and advertisers continually face the challenge of balancing effective ad management with user privacy and engagement. Traditional platforms have offered extensive capabilities, yet there has been a growing demand for a solution that provides greater control without sacrificing efficiency and customization in ad delivery. In response to this need, we developed the Bitmovin Ad Module (BAM), our in-house solution tailored to meet these complex requirements.

BAM ensures that no user data beyond the inherent components of the ads themselves, such as tracking pixels, is transmitted. This approach not only simplifies compliance with stringent data protection laws like GDPR but also puts you in complete control of the data you collect. This key feature of BAM provides peace of mind to both users and advertisers, reinforcing our commitment to privacy and security.

In addition to its privacy benefits, BAM is notable for its extensive customization options. It empowers publishers to tailor the user interface and customize ad workflows to their needs, offering unparalleled flexibility.

BAM is available as part of Bitmovin’s Web, iOS and Android SDKs. Currently, BAM supports only VAST on iOS and Android, focusing on streamlining the ad delivery process while ensuring robust compatibility and ease of implementation. This simplifies the ad management process, allowing for straightforward integration and maintenance.

Our commitment to continuously improving BAM ensures it is not just a solution for today but also a platform that evolves with your needs. With ongoing enhancements and updates, BAM is ready with emerging technologies like Apple’s visionOS.

BAM offers a powerful, user-friendly platform that addresses today’s digital advertising challenges while preparing for future developments. With its focus on privacy, ease of use, and adaptability, BAM is an ideal choice for publishers and advertisers seeking a modern, compliant, and efficient ad integration solution.

Explore our getting started guides for Android, iOS and Web, have a look at our samples (Android, iOS, Web) and share your thoughts and experience in the comments.