Analytics Video ID


I am trying to work out on how to find a valid video ID from the Bitmovin analytics.

Following is a screenshot

It shows Video title as “A descriptive video title testings” I am unable to find where it’s coming from.

Any ideas or pointers what could be giving them?

My end goal is to find out which video was played for how many hours for a period of time.

@vivek Thank you for contacting us. The information comes from the analytics configuration. Please double-check your analytics configuration. The data you pass in the “title” should be unique to identify each content.

analytics: {
videoId: ‘my-video-id’,
title: ‘A descriptive video title’, // content title
userId: ‘<USER_ID>’,
cdnProvider: ‘CDN provider’,
customData1: ‘custom data’,
customData2: ‘custom data’,
customData3: ‘custom data’,
customData4: ‘custom data’,
customData5: ‘custom data’

More information can be found in our getting started guide. -

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