Allow for Input and Output renaming

Which product is your request related to?

Encoding - VOD


Currently in the web portal and the Encoding api there are only options to create (POST), get info about (GET), or remove (DELETE) inputs and outputs for encoding. It would be incredibly useful to allow at least the name to be modified (PATCH) via the portal and/or the api. We implemented Bitmovin encoding and now want to expand how we are using it and due to that we want to change our naming scheme for inputs and outputs. It’s annoying that I can’t just modify the name and keep reusing the same ID and instead need to delete all the inputs and outputs just to have the end result of changing the name.

Hello Aaron, thank you very much for your inquiry. We are looking into this. This looks like a feature request. We are thankful when customers make suggestions how to improve our products from their point of view. Feature requests will normally be implemented if there is enough demand in our customer base. We have noted your request and are collecting the demand. However at this time, I cannot give you a timeline if and when this will be implemented.

Thank you very much and kind regards, Peter