requireNativeComponent: "NativePlayerView" was not found in the UIManager

Hi everyone, I’m integrated the components and sample code in react native ios. But i’m getting this error. I don’t know what it’s coming any idea to resolve.
Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: “NativePlayerView” was not found in the UIManager.


It looks like this is the same topic as 'NativePlayerView' was not found in the UIManager. Could you please double-check, and if it’s indeed the same, could you please add your comment in that thread?


Hello there, im having the same issue? did you find the fix already?

Yes I fixed that issue the bitmovin player it’s working both android and ios well. If any task and work please let me know my email

can you give me a hint or tell me how you fix this particular issue?

Im facing Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: “NativePlayerView” was not found in the UIManager.
