Bulk Encode mp4 files on Azure

We have migrated encoded assets but there are numerous mp4 files that have not yet been encoded. Is there a way using Bitmovin to bulk encode mp4 files in Azure storage?

Hello Mholland,

thank you very much for your question.

Yes, it is possible to encode mp4 files from Azure storage.

First, you can check our list supported input file types here and see that .mp4 is among the supported input file formats : Supported Input and Output Formats

Then, you will need to set up an Azure Input, the API call is documented here: Create Azure Input. You can then use this input for an encoding created with the API/SDK or with the wizard in the dashboard.

For bulk encoding you can use e.g. an encoding example like this: bitmovin-api-sdk-examples/java/src/main/java/BatchEncoding.java at main · bitmovin/bitmovin-api-sdk-examples · GitHub

At this time we don’t yet have a watch folder feature where you just provide the folder where your source files are and let the encoder do the rest. We are however happy to assist you further with your encodings if you want.

Kind regards
