Hi @rafael.f.iga , thanks for reporting this. Can you please share the version of Bitmovin iOS player SDK that you are using? This backtrace seems to refer to code in an older version of SDK.
@lucky.goyal I did some more tests and it seems related to the new Xcode 14.
When I build and upload the app using Xcode 14, I get these warnings when the upload is finished:
App Store Connect Operation Error
The app references non-public selectors in Payload/Runner.app/Frameworks/GoogleInteractiveMediaAds.framework/GoogleInteractiveMediaAds: playbackBufferFull, playbackLikelyToKeepUp
App Store Connect Operation Error
The app references non-public selectors in Payload/Runner.app/Frameworks/BitmovinPlayer.framework/BitmovinPlayer: adData, creativeID, currentMediaTime, skip
App Store Connect Operation Error
The app references non-public selectors in Payload/Runner.app/Runner: netServiceBrowser:didRemoveService:
When I build and upload using Xcode 13, everything works well, no crashes.
So my guess is something that Apple is forcing us to use or update…
Other difference is with Xcode 14 I had to change on my Podfile the iOS version from 12 to 14.
But not sure if these warnings are related to app crash when compiled and submitted from Xcode 14.
Other difference is with Xcode 14 I had to change on my Podfile the iOS version from 12 to 14.
This should not be the case. Do you have to do this even when building BasicAds Bitmovin sample application with Xcode 14?
Also, from your investigation it seems the issue may not be related to Bitmovin SDK version but I will suggest to try with latest SDK(if not already tried) to rule out this possibility.
Thanks for the Apple Forum thread link, I didnt find any information on this when researching yesterday!
About 12 to 14, you are right, I forgot to mention that: I had to increase the ios min version because of other library that Im using, not related to Bitmovin.
Right now we are doing some tests to see if the ADs with Xcode 13 build is working well, then Im going to go back to Xcode 14 to do some more tests because sooner or later Im gonna need to upgrade.
Thanks for information. Please let us know when you have any more insights. Meanwhile, I will also check if we have similar reports from other customers.
This crash sounds unrelated to what this thread originally is about.
Could you please create a new question? What would also be helpful is information on how you configure the Player. In this case, which UI you are using.