2022: The Year in Review

Top #Support Topics

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Passing HLS AES token to CAF Receiver? 29
Add external subtitles in Native Android SDK after load Source 14
Why is the FullScreenHandler not setting the player over the screen on Android / React Native? 14
How do I fix SETUP_MISSING_LICENSE_ALLOWLIST in Bitmovin Player using .NET Maui Blazor? 13
Why Bitmovin Player timeShift & maxTimeShift are 0 when isLive equals true? 10

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Passing HLS AES token to CAF Receiver? 17
Why Bitmovin Player timeShift & maxTimeShift are 0 when isLive equals true? 17
Why is the FullScreenHandler not setting the player over the screen on Android / React Native? 16
Add external subtitles in Native Android SDK after load Source 16
How do I fix SETUP_MISSING_LICENSE_ALLOWLIST in Bitmovin Player using .NET Maui Blazor? 16